A Letter from our Founder

Meenal Narula

Here is a sneak peak into my life, and what motivated me to become an Image consultant with a special message for you.

Dear readers,

Here is a sneak peek into my life, and what motivated me to become an Image consultant with a special message for you. 

I was 3 years old when I held that tape recorder and recorded my first radio show. I was fashionably dressed in my best clothes as the RJ hosting the show and playing the requested songs. Amusingly, I was the listener too asking the RJ to play my favourite songs. My love for the audience, engaging and entertaining others was eminent to all. 

Standing in front of the mirror, I spent hours practising for poetry and debate competitions yet, an equal number of hours imitating movie dialogues to enact emotions. The thrill of being in front of the audience and inspiring them with my presence was unparalleled. It gave me a rush, and I knew I had fallen in love.

I remember winning an inter-school debate competition in 10th grade and next year we had to choose a different person to represent our school. The teacher appointed me to help the chosen girl prepare for it. Internally, I was wishing that I could go ahead this year too. I loved it, enjoyed it. But, it was only while helping her draft her speech, rehearse and even while rooting for her in the audience that I realised I wasn’t helping her because I was asked to. Rather, I had started enjoying the process. The confidence that she exuded on stage and the tight hug that she gave me after that. That feeling, that fulfilment fueled my passion to help people recognize their potential. 

I initially chose a career in Management because I wanted to hone my management skills. I got placed in Sales in a start-up and worked in that company for a little more than a year. This was an experience that was a game-changer for me. I was interacting with new people round the clock, and in every sales meeting, I found myself learning more about persuasive and interpersonal communication along with the importance of listening.

But I also learnt another thing about me here – That it was hard for me to work for someone else. I wanted to be the host of my show, remember? 

I asked myself – “Meenal, what makes your heart sing?” 

The answer to this question led me to get enrolled in an image consulting and soft skills training course and quit my job. 

I hadn’t realised that the decision of becoming an image consultant will be the best that I’ve ever taken. Having trained clients from several companies, my passion to help everyone to be able to experience that thrill of being on stage, presenting their best selves off stage and the fulfilment of me being able to help them achieve that continues. That is what I live for. And for each one of you reading this, I hope that you recognize your passion, make it your purpose and pursue it to eventually find your happiness.


 Meenal Narula